CUPE Ontario Holiday Message 2023/24

Dear comrades, sisters, brothers, and friends,

This past year has been a challenging one for our members, our communities, for people around the globe. In so many ways, the strength of our union’s solidarity has been tested. But in every instance, the members of CUPE Ontario have come through the challenges of 2023 with strengthened resolve. We have built collective power, not only to clear the many hurdles that employers and governments have thrown in front of us, but to win real and tangible gains for CUPE members across the province.

Many locals have taken to picket lines to defend their members against concessions and to demand better wages and working conditions. While each strike or lockout has been unique in its circumstances, the common thread is the strength and resolve of our union. Our thoughts go to the courageous members of CUPE 1490 in Black River-Matheson, who are still locked out as we write this statement; their struggle is a shining example of the locals who have taken job action this year. As we do with all others, we stand in steadfast solidarity with these to ensure they not only beat back concessions, but win the respect they so richly deserve.

This year CUPE Ontario members have achieved many victories. A partial list:

  • The Anti-Racism Organizational Action Plan (AROAP) saw a major leap forward as we graduated the first cohort of Black, Racialized and Indigenous women from WILD – Women in Leadership Development. The positive impacts of this important work are already being felt in our union and there is strong support to continue this program.
  • We worked together with our locals and their members to organize to protect the OMERS pension plan, where 120,000 of our members have their deferred wages. We campaigned to prevent cuts – and won!
  • We worked in coalition with a hundred community agencies and groups to fight back against the dissolution of Peel Region – and now the Ford Conservatives are reversing this decision.
  • We worked together with so many to elect the most progressive mayor the City of Toronto has seen in a long time – Olivia Chow. This matters not only to our members in Toronto, we sent a message across the province: our union has political muscle, and we will use it for the good of our communities!

CUPE Ontario strongly believes in social unionism – that our collective purpose is not only to improve wages and working conditions but to improve communities. And on that front, our members have been beacons in the labour movement. CUPE Ontario was front and centre, defending Trans rights against vicious right-wing attacks. We stood shoulder to shoulder with rent strikers and we were the first union to support them with financial donations, inspiring others by our solidarity to do the same. Our members’ commitment to justice around the globe can be seen in our long history of solidarity with the people of Palestine. At the beginning of the Israel-Gaza war, we were the first region in any union to call for a ceasefire – yet another example of the way CUPE Ontario members are helping to lead the way for our entire movement.

On behalf of all of us at CUPE Ontario, we extend our warmest wishes to members, their families, chosen families and friends for a happy and healthy holiday season. We also offer our deepest gratitude to those who will continue to keep vital public services running this holiday season: health care workers in hospitals, long-term care and in the community; municipal workers clearing snow and keeping roads safe; paramedics responding to emergencies; transit operators; hydro workers; shelter support staff; social services and community agency staff, and all workers who serve our communities – all of you are the true heroes of our communities.

In the coming weeks, we hope everyone will find moments to relax, recharge and cherish time spent with loved ones.

Looking ahead to 2024, we are resolutely committed to continuing the fight for better. To building workers power to win!  To working together to create a more equitable and just world.

In Solidarity,

Fred Hahn – President CUPE Ontario
Yolanda McClean – Secretary Treasurer CUPE Ontario