2021 Bylaw Review

Q&As about the Bylaw Review process

By now you may have heard about the Executive’s intent to revise our local union bylaws.
The following is some common Q&A’s about the process, why we are doing it, and what is being proposed.
Remember: The vote on the changes will occur on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM. A Zoom link will be sent closer to the date.

Why were our bylaws reviewed?

Our local bylaws were last reviewed in 2015. In that six-year period there were two National Conventions which has resulted in the need to change our local bylaws to be in compliance with the National Constitution.
Also, as the Employer begins to “modernize” the workforce, so must our union stay current.

What has changed?

There have been several changes made to our local bylaws, including:
• The gender-specific language clause has been removed; all bylaws now replaced with gender-neutral language
• The general formatting has been modified to make the bylaws easier to distribute, read, understand, and update
• The CUPE National Equality Statement and the Code of Conduct have been added
• The position of “Seargeant-at-Arms” has been removed and replaced with the position “Communications Officer”. An explanation of the role of Communications Officer is now contained in the proposed bylaws
• The requirement to have attended any number of Regular Membership Meetings in order to run for the Executive Board has been removed
• A proposal to compensate the Chief Steward for out-of-pocket expenses increased to $600 to reflect increased responsibility
• A new clause intended to prevent the “double-dipping” of any out-of-pocket expenses
• Additional language allowing the President to be considered first for training and educational purposes
• Additional language preventing those members seconded to temporary management positions from holding union offices
• Other minor changes

Who has the authority to change the bylaws?

Your local Executive Board has unanimously ratified the proposed changes by recorded vote on March 3, 2021. Our CUPE National Rep has also reviewed the proposed changes. All that remains is for the General Membership to vote to accept the changes.
When the Membership accepts the changes, the new bylaws are forwarded on to CUPE National for final approval.

What does the Executive hope to achieve?

By reviewing the bylaws, the Executive has had the opportunity to remove some clauses that pose barriers to democracy. It is the intent of the Executive to do everything possible to increase fairness and make our union more democratic, transparent, responsive and flexible.

Who do we contact if we have any questions?

Please contact Brian Harris by email at cupe_2926@outlook.com

When will the vote on these proposals take place?

At the Regular Membership Meeting on March 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM by Zoom. A link will follow closer to the date.
Please remember: You cannot VOTE if you call in. You MUST use a computer-type device to vote.